Friday, February 12, 2010

Rediscovering myself

My entire life came to a complete standstill when I discovered that I was suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. While interacting with the doctors, I realised that it was a new ailment in their dictionary, so they found a new bakra as a guinea pig. So I gave up and surrendered to them. Biology was my favourite subject in college, so I did my research and got a lot of explanations to clear my doubt.
I had made up mind that and decided to live normally. My motto was "Life is beautiful, so live it the way you want to. Whatever happens always happens for the best". I used to get the so called attacks, be on steroid drugs initially and then injections. These medications would pump in lot of energy and I would start running like a horse. I was happy. I was working for a good organization and was in a good position. My work was my passion. I had supportive parents and a lovable husband. I had a lot friends and popular among them. One day, a freak accident forced me to give up my job for my health condition. I could not walk properly. Last one year I faced a series of trauma which led to self pity and the fear to meet anyone as I thought I was no good to anyone and people are looking down at me as a handicap and this created tension with family and friends. I used to brood whenever given an opportunity.
I have a Doctor Uncle who had helped me get one of the best Neurologists who diagnosed Multiple Sclerosis. So Doctor Uncle wrote a lot of books. He gave me one of his book where he wrote that our body and added a special note for me where he mentioned that there is an additional force within every cell in our body which so far has not recognised, identified, respected and used. This is “Mind”, the preserver and destroyer. Nature is strictly guarding this secret. Today I realise what he told me is so true.
One of my friend suggested I go for homeopathic treatment. He recommended one of the best Homeopathy Doctor, who treated his wife and she could conceive and now they are proud parents of a baby boy. I was happy and wrote an email to the Doctor. She was in Malaysia. I started undergoing homeopathic treatment for my health condition after she decided to go ahead with my treatment. While treating me she recommended I should do EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) by Gary Craig. I searched through the website and could not find any practitioner in India. I used to receive the newsletters and read the articles and watch the videos but looking at the cost, I gave up the idea of doing it. Today I realise that it was just an excuse that I was giving myself.
Then finally I started browsing through the site again and found that there is a practitioner in India, I shared with my husband and he encouraged me to go ahead. I contacted her and I started the session from 21st December '09.
I came across my friend who is a Psychiatrist and has seen me through a lot of traumas I went through in the past. He also had guided me one of the best neurologist in the country who also recommended I should see some good Homeopath for alternative therapy. So, I told my friend my story and he gave me a book to read “Get Out of your own way” by Robert K Cooper. I started understanding what was going on in my brain and now I could relate to what Doctor Uncle, my Homeopathy Doctor who is a Holistic Doctor and my EFT specialist were working on.
Each time I had a session with EFT specialist; I could remember my traumas and share it with her. She made me feel so relaxed; and I could relate all my fears, anger and hatred that I had developed and which I had suppressed and become a closed person which I was not. She also gave me directions so I could open up and saw the positive side. I gave feedback to my Doctor who would always encourage me to see the positive side.
Today I don't regret my decision of taking the sessions under EFT specialist. She has not only helped me fight my ailment with a positive mind and made me open to it but also helped me improve my relation with my loved ones. Although I still find difficulty in my movements but it does not make me brood. I know how to handle it and not get worked up. Through EFT, my specialist guided me how to overcome my fears and anger that I developed for my health condition.
Today I don't feel like a loser and have started my passion without any fear. My family and friends are noticing the transformational change in me. Lot of ideas started pouring and I am living life in a more positive way with a smile.
I have realised that if I torture my ailment by being negative it will not help me but build in lot of stress which is harmful. I started loving my ailment and facing it with a smile. I know now I can have fewer attacks or no attacks at all if I become friendly with it by staying positive.


  1. Dear Roshni,
    I'm really glad to see your blog and your positive attitude. Keep doing EFT! take care!

  2. Hey... I loved your post. I really admire your strength and outlook to get better with positive energy. Let me know if I can help in any way... :) Love you.

  3. Knowing you as I have done for some 6-8 years, I know you as a happy bright person, so to hear of the troubles that have hit you since we last met saddens me. However, as I know, your inner core is one of positivity and I am so pleased that you have turned this situation around and are looking forward with hope and expectation. It is great that you have the support of your husband and family.

    Your "tale" is one that can be held up as an example to all and can be an inspiration to others.

  4. hi dear,
    I read ur blog and am still in tears. believe me when your strength comes out you come out a winner.Have shared my son's illness with you.When you want something badly, the universe conspires to get it you. You will come out a winner dear and I will walk the journey with you in whatever way I can.
    Hema Jayaram

  5. Hi Sohini
    It was so heartening to read your blog and speaking to your 'bubbling' self after so long was a real treat!!
    I FULLY agree with your Doctor uncle about the mind and its secret!!!
    And if you are interested there are a couple of other books that I would like you to read and comment on: "The Power of NOW" and "A new Earth" both by Eckhart Tolle.
    My prayer and blessing is with you always

  6. you are a brave and admirable person.
    We all have our demons, it takes courage and grace to face them as you have.
    I wish you the very best to follow your dreams.
    much love.

  7. Roshni

    You are fighter! Remember, Never ever give up!!

    And also, as I always believe, nothing is permanent ever.. "This too shall pass!"

    Love your spirit!!

